
What is Mythology

Myth means a sacred or religious take whose content is concerned with the origins of creation of natural, supernatural, or cultural phenomena. The anthropological meaning differs from that which implies an untruth. Myths have been studied as fractured sources of oral history, as clues to the society’s dominant values as a social character’ and for their universal structure. An approach to writing history that relies in large part on interviews with elderly people whi provide restrispective data on the events, attitutes and activities of their childhood, aolescence, and adult life in effect a transfer of the interview survey methods from sociology to social history, or the large scale collection of life-histories. There is an international organized oral history society with its won journal and a number of national oral History data archives. the time periods and topics that can be covered by this approach are clearly resticted, and typically inclue a focus on family life, social structure and social relationships, employment in the market sector, work in the informal economy leisure activities presceptions of major public events, and attitudes and values as reconstructed in orld age. In a fascinating study of childhood delinquency reveals more structed details. Oral history interviewing can be used ina rouch equivalent to the national survey which studes of local communities, and case studies of particular social phenomena, such as the changing pattern of home and employment. The defined detailes are very clearly avialable in the here: Click here for more deails

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