

The composition of the Advisory Committee is as follows:-

a) Principal - Chairperson
b) Academic Head - Vice Chairperson
c) PTA President - Member
d) Two staff members having social work - Member
background (one preferably from
High School)
e) One representative from the adopted - Member
f) Two student leaders - Members
g) Programme Officer - Member Secretary

The meetings may be convened as per the following time table:-

Proposed agenda
A brief report of the meeting along with the quarterly report may be sent to the NSS Cell promptly (Refer page 66 to 72 of the NSS Manual)

2. Enrollment of NSS Volunteers:- NSS Volunteers may be enrolled from the first year students during the month of July. The enrollment list of the volunteers (both first and second year may be forwarded to NSS Cell not later than August 31st of every year.

3. Adoption of Villages:- Adoption of a Village and area is a very meaningful programme in NSS. The following activities may be undertaken in the adopted village.
5. Regular Activities:- The NSS units should organize the regular activities as detailed below:-
Orientation of NSS Volunteers - 20 hours
(Two day camp)
Campus work - 30 hours
Community work (on adopted village - 70 hours

No camp should be held in the premises of the schools. The NSS Volunteers must reside in the adopted area where the camp is being held. (Refer Chapter 2 of the NSS Manual). The principal has to ensure the co-operation of teaching and non teaching staff of the school. During the special camping programme He/She should also see that 1-2 lady teachers are halted in the camp venue during night to ensure security measures to female volunteers.


1. A detailed Bio-data of the NSS Programme Officer duly countersigned by the Principal along with the willingness of the proposed Programme Officer should be forwarded to the NSS Cell, Directorate of VHSE for approval.

2 NSS volunteers should be enrolled from both 1st and 2nd years and enrollment list
forwarded to the NSS Cell within a month.

3. Students belonging to minority communities, SC, ST should be encouraged and enrolled as NSS volunteers.

4 It is expected that the institutions will provide necessary infrastructure for the successful running of the NSS unit. The school authorities would provide a separate room along with adequate furniture and other services for the unit.

5 Since the NSS programme is financed by public funds, the institution should maintain the financial records and registers as required under financial rules and these have to be kept open for inspection and audit.

6. The main objective of the NSS programme is development of personality through community service & to prepare the NSS volunteer for the democratic self-disciplined and self-reliant way of life.

7. The Programme Officer will be in charge of NSS unit.

8. The Programme Officer will be responsible for the organization of NSS unit, implementation of NSS programme under the supervision and direction of the Principal of the school. He is eligible for an out of pocket allowance of Rs. 400/- per month. If the volunteer strength is less that 100, Rs.200/- may be paid as out of pocket allowance. He has to submit the separate Audited Statements Accounts for Regular Activities and Special Camping programme prepared by a Chartered Accountant with Utilization Certificate and Annual Reports of Regular Activities & Special Camp to the NSS Cell at the closing of the Academic year through the Principal.

9. The Programme Officer is responsible to carry out the instructions issued by the Director VHSE, Programme Co-ordinator of the Directorate, the Assistant Programme Adviser, NSS Regional Centre and State Liaison Officer for the implementation of NSS activities.

10. The VHS schools having NSS units have to set up an NSS Advisory Committee to advice on programme planning and development under the Chairmanship of the Principal. Programme Officer will be the member Secretary.

11. The Principal concerned should open a separate SB Account in SBT for the operation of NSS funds and communicate the Account Number and Branch to the Directorate immediately.

12. All the communications related to NSS may be addressed to the Programme Co-ordinator, NSS Cell Directorate of VHSE, 4th Floor, Housing Board Building, Santhinagar, Thiruvananthapuram-1. The Programme Officer is not eligible for the out of pocket allowance, if the ten day camp is not conducted.

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