gives the most amazing opportunities in the internet among the gadgets. Among the auction sites i have seen and experienced it is the best. However, it is very disappointing to note that even after more than 60 years of independence the country has still not realized this dream. it is a nascent nation struggling to secure an honourable place in the comity of modern nations, particularly as a country of outstanding scientists, technologists, industrialists and global business entrepreneurs, IT and medical experts, all oriented towards ECONOMIC LIBERALIZATION, PRIVATIZATION AND GLOBALIZATION. But in her pursuit of excellence based on modern liberal and information-based education, India seems to have ignored its constitutional goal of building a democratic, secular republic based on equality of opportunities and social justice. The mission of building such a republic, if ignored, forgotten, or even lightly or casually treated, especially in our schools and colleges, there is a chance of turning our young men and women into robots manipulable by vested interests, be they individuals or nations. A nation’s real wealth is her citizens, particularly youth who can think independently and preserve a mind of its own. This is specially important in India where the 18-30 age-group is the largest.
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