Since Windows is probably the operating system, system would be using to design your web page. We shall refer everything in this book with reference to windows. Similarly we will use internet explorer as a model browser for most illustrations. Since it comes with the windos. The editor will be simple notepad which comes with windows, we can use any other editor or softwares like Front page, Dream weaver according or our choice.
When a web browser displaying a page, it reads from a plain text file, and looks for special codes ore "tags" which are marked by signs. The general format tag is is ( srting of text for writing the headings we use the header tag contains the '/' slash charecter which tells the web browser to stop tagging the text. HTML are paired. If forget the slash, a web browser will continue the tag for the rest of the text in document, producing undesirable results. A web bowser is not case sesitive, that means that it does not care if you use lower or upper case letters. For example . In HTML if the brwoser does not know what to do with a given tag, ignores it. The HTML document contains two distinct parts. Head and body. The head contains information about the document that is not diplayed on screen.
The basic structure of any HTML page is
Save the document as a file called "file name" and keep it in the work area with extension name of html. Open the file with a broswer. The Web browser will know to read whese text files as HTML and properly display the web page if you save a txt file.
When a web browser displaying a page, it reads from a plain text file, and looks for special codes ore "tags" which are marked by
text to be displayed
this tag tells a web browser to display the text in the we browser to bod the text, to initialize it, make it into header or make it a huperlink to another web page. The ending tag which is written asThe basic structure of any HTML page is
Save the document as a file called "file name" and keep it in the work area with extension name of html. Open the file with a broswer. The Web browser will know to read whese text files as HTML and properly display the web page if you save a txt file.
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