One day workshop organized by : NSS unit of Govt. VHSS, Thrippunithura
This programme was named as the preparatory work shop for NSS Coordinators on security awareness and sensitization and was conducted at Jwalagiri, BPCL,
on 20th September 2010.From our side 14 NSS programme officers of different schools of Ernakulam district, two student representative and one social workers were participated .The session was started with a " Namasthe Session " lead by Ms: Sobana G ,Manager ,Training and then we were guided to the "Basic Principles of Security and security integration" by Capt.Haridas,senior Manager, Security ,BPCL ,Kochi Refinery.After noon session lead to the preparation of Aim ,Objective ,Preparation of mission statement. The workshop arrived at a tentative mission as below.
“The role of the student in compacting terrorism, promoting communal harmony and fostering self development and there by enabling economic growth and development of the society and been active partners in nation Building"
Due to the lack of time we could not complete the full frame work of the programme that day.
We were all appalled by the horrific events that took place in Mumbai last year and we all expressed our deepest sympathies to those who were affected by this violence .While remembering those who have lost their lives or mere injured in the dreadful event. We believe that "Each soul is potentially divine and we consider ourselves as a spark of divine" but the news which are coming day to day in the medias are not pacifying and more over than every thing the unfortunate thing is that the people who are getting attracted to such outrage activities are youngsters.
I understand from the discussion with Mr: Haridas, (senior manager Security) that BPCL is very much interested to continue on this project and they also offered all kind of support and expecting an involvement from the directorate level also. As it is a burning issue of today and tomorrow I feel it as a great opportunity as teacher and as a programme officer of NSS to go forward And it will be definitely a milestone for NSS and VHSE directorate. So I request your advice, guidance early attention and support.